
SDB1FDB4 - FORMs for database access to DB/400

SDB1FDB4 - FORMs for database access to DB/400

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SAP E-Book


Database specific catalog definitions for function group SDB1
DB2/400 - Implementation
This program is generated by executing SDB4GEN. The source report for this program is SDB1GDB4.
Whenever some changes have to be applied to SDB1FDB4 make these changes in SDB1GDB4 und run report SDB4GEN. !!!!!!!!!!!!!
For every form that uses exeq sql there exists another form with a corresponding name (name of the first form + _QSYS2) In these secondary forms the exec sql statements are performed using files in the QSYS2 library. Check that all changes are applied to both forms.
The secondary forms are necessary to have a working version of the forms in case someone forgot to run SDB4GEN after installation or after the R/3 system was copied by restoring the saved database library under another name. In both cases the first forms would cause a dump. To prevent this from happening we check if the database libname was used when the report was generated, if not then the secondary form is executed and after completing the task the report SDB4GEN is submitted. So for the next run the database library is correctly set.

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This documentation is copyright by SAP AG.

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