
SMI_APPLY_CONSENT_MGNT_01 - Social Consent Management Report 1

SMI_APPLY_CONSENT_MGNT_01 - Social Consent Management Report 1

BAL Application Log Documentation   ABAP Short Reference  
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This is run as part of a backend report, hence the customer should always check the logs for any messages. You can use this report to execute the following actions:

  • You use the Country Map feature to update all social posts for which the country name is known but the country key is not. The country name to country key mapping is first checked in the standard table to find the corresponding country key. A BAdI is also provided to allow the user to provide the mapping of country name to country key if it is not found in the standard table. The BAdI has a default implementation for the country name to country key mapping based on the configuration table. The country name to country key is also checked in the Configuration table. If the country key is found at any stage, the social post is updated with the country key. If the country key is still not found, messages are raised in the logs to alert the users that certain country names do not have a mapping country key and that they should fill it either using the BAdI or the configuration table.
  • The status of the SOCIALPOSTACTIONSTATUS field in SOCIALDATA for a social post is set based on the settings in group assignment and consent configuration. The SOCIALPOSTACTIONSTATUS field in SOCIALDATA can have the following values Store Anonymously (0), Explicit Consent (1), Implied Consent (2), Process Completed (3), Mark for Deletion (4), No Rule Found (8), and New (9). The default value is New (9).
  • If the status of the SOCIALPOSTACTIONSTATUS field in SOCIALDATA for a social post is set to Store Anonymously (0) then the social user entry for the social post is deleted from the SOCIALUSERINFO. The post is stored anonymously by removing all user related information such as CREATEDBYUSER, SOCIALPOSTLINK, and CREATIONUSERNAME. The SOCIALPOSTACTIONSTATUS field in SOCIALDATAfor that particular post is set to Process Completed (3). There can be several processing scenarios, for example, if a social media user has three posts and two posts have the status Store Anonymously (0) and one social post has the status Explicit Consent (1). For the two social posts that have the status Store Anonymously (0), the social user information will be removed from the post and the status set to Process Completed (3) but the user information is not deleted from the SOCIALUSERINFO.
  • If the posts do not match the maintained consent management configuration, the report logs those posts and sets the S OCIALPOSTACTIONSTATUS field in SOCIALDATA to No Rule found (8).



  • The switch for Social Consent Management (SOMI_SFWS_CM) is enabled.
  • Consent management configuration has valid entries.
  • Group assignment has valid entries.


The report by default runs in production mode. You also have the option of running the report in test mode. In this case, the database updates are not made, you can only view the logs. On the report selection screen, you can select the following options:

Filter Options - There are three kinds of filter options available.

  • All- It takes all configurations from the group assignment and consent configuration tables.
  • Social Media Group and Country - It takes selected configurations from the group assignment table and consent configuration table for a particular social media group and country.
  • Country, Social Media Channel, and Retrieval Mode - It takes selected configurations from the group assignment and consent configuration table for a particular social media channel, country, and retrieval mode.

Processing Options -You can choose to run the report in Test Mode. This will not make any changes to the database and you can view the logs.

  • The Detail Log option allows you to select the log options. The following options are available:
  • No Detail Log - This option does not display log messages.

  • Without Success Message - This option displays logs without success messages.

  • Complete - This option displays all logs (messages).

  • The Log Output option allows you to select the type of log output. The following options are available:
  • List- Messages are displayed as a list.

  • Application Log - Messages are displayed in form of log in the transaction SLG1 for the object and the subobject.

  • List and Application Log - Messages are displayed as a list and also as an application log in transaction SLG1 for the object and the sub object.


Standard Variants



  1. On the report selection screen, select the Filter Options.
  2. Select the Test Mode checkbox if you want to run the report in test mode.
  3. Select the type of log required from the Detail Log drop-down list.
  4. Select the type of log display from the Log Outputdrop-down list.
  5. Choose Execute. The logs are displayed based on the selection made for report execution.


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