
VCH_HL_LOVC2AVC_MVAR_SWITCH - AVC-Transition: Switch Material Variants

VCH_HL_LOVC2AVC_MVAR_SWITCH - AVC-Transition: Switch Material Variants

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AVC-Transition: Switch Material Variants


With the introduction of the advanced variant configuration engine, the user can now use it with configured materials, material variants etc. The purpose of this report is to enable the user to switch material variants with a classic configuration profile to a material variant with an advanced configuration profile.


This report is integrated with the variant configuration comparison report VCH_HL_COMPARISON, which is used to compare the expected results of the advanced configurations with the current configurations. The comparison shows the differences and the equalities between the results of the classic and advanced engines.


· The configurable material on which the material variant is based on should have at least one existing valid released advanced configuration profile.

· The material variant should be configured with a classic profile, otherwise it is not displayed

· The material variant should not be locked. If locked, the material variant cannot be converted.

· The user must have authorization to access VCH_HL_COMPARISON as it is used with the report.



Set these parameters on the initial screen before you execute the comparison:

· Choose between Material Variant or All Variants for Configurable Material

· Fill the mandatory Material Number field

· Including Deletion Flag is optional (it is checked by default)

· Plant-Specific Variant is optional. If selected, the Plant field is mandatory.

· Cross-Plant Variant is optional


After the execution of the report (F8), if no error messages are displayed, a table with the compatible material variant is displayed. The table contains the following columns:

· Material Variant: In this field the material variant is displayed (Material Number matnr).

· Plant: (WERKS) which is empty in cross-plant material variants.

· Configurable Material (MARC-STDPD for plant-specific and MARA-SATNR for cross-plant): The field indicates which material the variant was configured with.

· Source Profile: Classic configuration profile which was used to configure the material variant.

· Target Profile: Released advanced configuration profile belonging to the configurable material.

· Conversion Status: The fields indicate whether the material variant cannot be converted to advanced. This is indicated as a not equal red state icon. When there is an equal green icon, it indicates that the two configurations by the two engines will have the same results once converted. When a warning icon is displayed, it indicates that there is difference between the engine and the user can click on the icon to navigate to the comparison report and see the differences. After the conversion is successful, the icon is changed to an OK icon. If an error occurs during conversion, then a cancel icon is displayed.

· Comment: This field displays messages. It is used to show the cause of errors.


· Standard table functionalities are available such as filter, sort, select, select all and deselect all.

· Others: A 'Convert to AVC Material' button is available. Once triggered, the selected material variants will be converted to AVC. As this cannot be reversed, a warning is issued with a confirmation dialog to ensure that the user is aware of that.

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