
WD_MAINTAIN_FIELD_HISTORY - Administration of WebDynpro User History Entries

WD_MAINTAIN_FIELD_HISTORY - Administration of WebDynpro User History Entries

BAL_S_LOG - Application Log: Log header data   ROGBILLS - Synchronize billing plans  
This documentation is copyright by SAP AG.
SAP E-Book


The purpose of this report is to display user WebDynpro history entries, delete the user history entries based on selection and to delete all unused user history entries for given number of days in a background job.




If the user is not authorized, WebDynpro history entries for that user is displayed. Otherwise, the Selection Screen is displayed. If the user has 'maintain' authority permission, then all three options on selection screen are displayed, else if user has 'display' authority permission, then only display history entries option is allowed.


There are three options:

  1. Display history entries based on 'User' range.
  2. Delete history entries based on 'User' range.
  3. Delete unused history entries for given number of days (50 by default).

Standard Variants


Based on the option selected:

  • Display history entries- WebDynpro history entries are displayed based on the user range entered on selection.
  • Delete history entries- Select the users, for which you want to delete the history and click delete icon from the toolbar.
  • Delete unused history entries- The entries with last accessed date before given days are deleted and the total number of entries deleted is given by message.



BAL Application Log Documentation   CPI1466 during Backup  
This documentation is copyright by SAP AG.

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