
/CPD/PFP_RFC_REFOBJ_TRANSFER - Transfer CPM planning data to linked reference objects

/CPD/PFP_RFC_REFOBJ_TRANSFER - Transfer CPM planning data to linked reference objects

BAL Application Log Documentation   RFUMSV00 - Advance Return for Tax on Sales/Purchases  
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The RFC function module /CPD/PFP_RFC_REFOBJ_TRANSFER reads CPM planning data from the BW Infocube for the financial plans and the versions specified in IT_PLAN. The financial plans are the CPM financial plans associated to master project and versions are the financial plans versions.

Granularity level of data depends on the object type passed in IS_OBJECT.

As part of standard delivery, the field OBJECT_TYPE in importing structure IS_OBJECT can accept only the object types '0OPP' and '0OSQ'.

Object type '0OPP' will retrieve the data at aggregated level for the bid structure element which has reference object item linked.

Object type '0OSQ' will retrieve the data in detail resource level and period level for the bid structure element which has reference object item linked.

The RFC considers the object type '0OPP' as default if no object type is passed in the input parameter IS_OBJECT-OBJECT_TYPE.


IT_PLAN - CPM Financial plans and plan versions

IS_OBJECT - Object type for determining granularity level

ET_DATA - CPM planning data for the requested financial plans and versions

ET_MESSAGES - Error messages occurred in the retrieval process


Importing parameters:


PLAN_ID: 267-1 {External ID of Financial plan}

VERSION_ID: 1 {Version ID of Financial plan 267-1}


OBJECT_TYPE: 0OPP {Object type of reference object assigned to the bid structure elements in CPM Financial plan. Valid Object types are '0OPP' and '0OSQ'.}

Exporting parameters:


PLAN_ID: 267-1 {External ID of Financial plan}

VERSION_ID: 1 {Version ID of Financial plan 267-1}

ELEMENT: 40F2E963DABA1EE780DE11D19116871D {Bid structure element GUID ID in Financial plan}

ITEM_ID: 005056937C491ED780DDF815138D43DA {Reference Object GUID ID linked to the Bid structure element in Financial plan}

CURRENCY: EUR {Financial Plan Currency}

RESOURCE: ARCHITECT {Resource planned for the Bid structure element}

PERIOD: 012017 {Month for which the data is planned for the above resource in CPM}

QUANTITY: 10 {Quantity planned for the resource in the above month in CPM}

UOM: PC {Unit of Quantity}

COST: 2,400 {Cost planned for the resource in the above month in CPM}

REVENUE: 3,600 {Revenue planned for the resource in the above month in CPM}


Further information




Function Group


General Data in Customer Master   BAL Application Log Documentation  
This documentation is copyright by SAP AG.

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