
/SAPAPO/OM_RESID_GET_ORDERS - Get Orders for Activities, Resources, and Pegging Areas

/SAPAPO/OM_RESID_GET_ORDERS - Get Orders for Activities, Resources, and Pegging Areas

CL_GUI_FRONTEND_SERVICES - Frontend Services   CPI1466 during Backup  
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Further information

@0P@Selection Modules for the Planning Board


This function module gets the orders of the specified import tables. For the header data of these orders, it gets the constraints of all activities of the order, all I/O nodes of the order, and any peggings on these I/O nodes.

This module is particularly complex and you should avoid using it for new developments. Instead, you should request a new module tailor-made for your purposes.

An order is selected

  • if it contains one of the specified activities (IT_ACT) and this activity overlaps the time interval [IV_START_TIME, IV_END_TIME[
  • or if it contains an activity that is allocated on one of the specified resources (IT_RES) and that overlaps the time interval [IV_START_TIME, IV_END_TIME[
  • or if it contains an I/O node that is allocated to one of the specified pegging areas (IT_PEGAREA) and whose requirement or availability time is wholly or partly in the time interval [IV_START_TIME, IV_END_TIME[.
    The tables IT_CHARACT_REQ_OUTNODE and IT_CHARACT_VAL_INPNODE allow filtering by pattern characteristics.
    If a suitable I/O node contains a pegging for another I/O node (pegging partner) and if the switch IV_GET_ALL_PEG_DEPENDANTS is selected, the pegging-dependent order, i.e. the order of the pegging partner, is also selected.

If the switch IV_GET_SUBORDERS is activated, and if the activities and I/O nodes in the order selection belong to a suborder, the suborder is selected, and not the top order.

If the import table IT_ORDER_TYPES is filled, only those orders are selected that have one of the order tyoes listed there. In addition, further import parameters can be used to specify additional selection criteria; see Selection Modules for the Planning Board.

Pegging-dependent orders (see above) are filtered either by order type or by other selection criteria.


Error Handling and Troubleshooting

Possible return codes:

  • 38 = om_invalid_pegarea:
    The specified pegging area does not exist in liveCache.
  • 43 = om_invalid_segment:
    The specified activity does not exist in liveCache.
  • 47 = om_invalid_resource:
    The specified activity does not exist in liveCache.





Function Group


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