
EXIT_SAPLNPD1_004 - IS-H: Insurance Relationship Sort Order

EXIT_SAPLNPD1_004 - IS-H: Insurance Relationship Sort Order

RFUMSV00 - Advance Return for Tax on Sales/Purchases   Fill RESBD Structure from EBP Component Structure  
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SAP E-Book


This function exit enables you to sort the insurance relationships of the case for payment distribution. The insurance relationships are processed in payment distribution in the order in which they were sorted by this function exit. By default, the insurance relationships, sorted by rank, are processed from the highest-ranking insurance relationship down in payment distribution.

The function exit contains the insurance relationships, pre-sorted by rank, in the SS_NVVF table. (The first entry in the table contains the insurance relationship with the highest rank). This table can be re-sorted according to customer-specific criteria. The re-sorted table must be returned with the transfer table SS_NVVF_SORT to the application. In the subsequent processing steps of payment distribution, this table is always processed starting with the first entry.

In addition to the current institution (SS_EINRI) and the current case (SS_FALNR), the function exit contains the SS_VISIT parameter. If billing was started as visit billing (only supported in the country version Singapore), that is infividual visits are billed for, this parameter contains the sequence number of the current visit. All of the movements of the case are available to you in the SS_NBEW table.

If you encounter an error in your function exit, and consequently want to abort the billing procedure, raise the exception BREAK_INVOICE. Billing will be aborted for the current case. If you do not raise this exception, and, at the same time, return the table SS_NVVF_SORT empty to the application, the billing process resumes with the original pre-sorted table SS_NVVF.



Note that the function exit is called several times within payment distribution, and must always produce the same result.

Further information





Function Group


SUBST_MERGE_LIST - merge external lists to one complete list with #if... logic for R3up   SUBST_MERGE_LIST - merge external lists to one complete list with #if... logic for R3up  
This documentation is copyright by SAP AG.

Length: 2387 Date: 20240604 Time: 084551     sap01-206 ( 64 ms )