
icm/HTTP/logging_<xx> - Specify HTTP logging in ICM

icm/HTTP/logging_ - Specify HTTP logging in ICM

ABAP Short Reference   Vendor Master (General Section)  
This documentation is copyright by SAP AG.
SAP E-Book
| Parameter : icm/HTTP/logging_&lt;xx&gt; |
| Short description : specify HTTP logging in ICM |
| Parameter Description : |
| ----------------------- |
| You can use this parameter to control HTTP logging. |
| The parameter has the following syntax: |
| icm/HTTP/logging_&lt;xx&gt; = PREFIX=&lt;URL prefix&gt;, LOGFILE=&lt;Name of
| log file&gt;, [, LOGFORMAT=&lt;format of the entries&gt;, FILTER=&lt;filter&
| MAXSIZEKB=&lt;max. size of log file&gt;, SWITCHTF=&lt;options for new trace
| file&gt;, FILEWRAP=on] |
| |
| The specifications have the following meaning: |
| PREFIX: URL prefix, for which this HTTP subhandler should be called |
| (such as "/"). |
| LOGFILE: Name of the output file in file system. |
| So that the files have meaningful names, you can use the |
| following options for specifying the log files: |
| %d day in month (1-31) |
| %m month in year (1-12) |
| %y 4 character year in format YYYY |
| %h hour (0-23) |
| %t minute (0-59) |
| %s seconds (0-59) |
| %% '%' character |
| LOGFILE=access_log-%d-%m-%y_%h:%t:%s |
| produces a log file with the name: access_log-15-12-2000_16:51:53 |
| |
| LOGFORMAT: There are the following predefined formats for log files: |
| |
| CLF (Common Logfile Format) with the format: |
| - - [15/Dec/2000:16:18:35 +0100] |
| "GET /dummy HTTP/1.0" 200 86 |
| The CLF format is generated using the following string: |
| %h %l %u %t "%r" %s %b |
| |
| CLFMOD (Modified Common Logfile Format): |
| The form fields and URI parameters are not written to the trace |
| file (for security reasons, these values should not be stored in |
| the log file). |
| Example from above: |
| - - [15/Oct/2005:16:18:35 +0100] "GET |
| /dummy HTTP/1.0" 200 86 |
| The CLFMOD format is generated using the following string: |
| %h %l %u %t "%r2" %s %b |
| |
| SAP (SAP Logfile Format), with which the processing |
| time in the application server in milliseconds is also |
| output: |
| Example from above: |
| [15/Oct/2005:15:41:35 +0100] - - "GET /dummy |
| HTTP/1.0" 200 86 10 |
| The SAP format is generated with the following string: |
| %t %a %u - "%r2" %s %b %L |
| |
| SAPSMD (Log format for tracking HTTP requests using the HTTP header |
| field X-CorrelationID) |
| Example from above: |
| [15/Oct/2005:15:41:35 +0100] - "GET /dummy HTTP/1.0" 200 86 |
| [10] h[A7594F39ED9F7C41BABA7397F8070718-1-5] | |
| The SAPSMD format is generated using the following string: |
| %t - "%r0" %s %b [%L] h[%{X-CorrelationID}i] | |
| |
| SAPSMD2 (Log format for tracking HTTP requests using the HTTP |
| header field X-CorrelationID) |
| This log format contains the output of the entire request and |
| response headers. |
| The SAPSMD2 format is generated using the following string: |
| %t - \"%r0\" {%{[?]}i} %s %b [%L] {%{[?]}o} | |
| |
| If you want a different format to be written, you can configure |
| this using the format string: |
| You can use the following placeholders: |
| %b Length of the response in bytes |
| %r0 / %r First line of an HTTP request with the original path |
| and form fields, such as GET |
| /sap(bD1kZSZjPTAwMA==)/bc/ping?lang=en HTTP/1.0 |
| %r1 First line of an HTTP request with the original path |
| without form fields, such as: |
| GET /sap(bD1kZSZjPTAwMA==)/bc/ping HTTP/1.0 |
| %r2 First line of an HTTP request with URL-decoded path |
| without form fields, e.g.: GET /sap/bc/ping HTTP/1.0 |
| %f Name of queried object without form fields |
| %U Complete URI of a request (with form fields) |
| %s OK code of the response |
| %p0 Complete original URI of a request (with |
| form fields), equivalent to %U |
| %p1 Complete original URI of a request (w/o form fields) |
| %p2 URL-decoded path without form fields, equivalent |
| to %f |
| %p3 URL-decoded path with form fields |
| %{name}i Name of a request header field, e.g. %{user-agent}i |
| %{[?]}i Output all request header fiels in the format |
| [name1 : value1][name2 : value2] ... |
| %{?;}i Output all request header fields in the format: |
| name1 : value1;name2 : value2; ... ;name_n : value_n |
| The separators between the individual header fields can be |
| freely defined. |
| %{name}o Name of a response header field, such as %{server}o |
| %{[?]}o Output of all response header fields in format |
| [name1 : value1][name2 : value2] ... |
| %{?;}o Output of all response header fields in format |
| name1 : value1;name2 : value2; ... ;name_n : value_n |
| The separators between the individual header fields can be |
| freely defined. |
| %{cookie}c Output of a request cookie |
| %{cookie}C Output of a response cookie |
| %{formfield}F Name of a request form field, such as %{sap-client}F |
| %{semfield}E Name of a semicolon field |
| %T Duration of a request in seconds |
| %L Duration of a request in milliseconds |
| %j Protocol: HTTP or HTTPS |
| %h Name of a remote host (of the client, such as a |
| browser) |
| %h0 as %h |
| %h1 If the header field x-forwarded-for is set, the |
| value of the header field, otherwise the name of the |
| direct host before the ICM (or Web Dispatcher), that |
| is of the client, such as a browser. |
| %H Name of the local host |
| %V Fully qualified host name (FQHN) of the server |
| (Value of the parameter icm/host_name_full or FQHN |
| of the operating system). |
| %v Name of the virtual host (IP address or name of the |
| server with which the client has connected) |
| %a IP address of the remote host |
| %S Local port name/service |
| %l Specification of the "remote log name". This name is |
| the result of an IDENT request to the client. This |
| only works if IdentityCheck is activated |
| there. |
| %u User name of a 401 authentication |
| %t Time specification in CLF format: |
| [15/Dec/2000:16:18:35 +0100] |
| %q HTTP Request ID: &lt;conn slot&gt;/&lt;conn uid&gt;/&lt;rq id&
| &lt;conn slot&gt;/&lt;conn uid&gt; describes the ICM connectio
| &lt;rq id&gt; is the sequence number of the HTTP Request |
| for the connection. The HTTP Request ID is unique |
| during the lifetime of the ICM process. |
| %M1 Recording of HTTP Requests in microseconds, in the |
| format t0(pfclock):...;dt1(us):...;dt2(us):...; |
| dt3(us):...;dt4(us):-;total(us):... |
| The times of the recording are: |
| 0: Start of the HTTP request processing |
| 1: Send the request to the server |
| 2: End of the HTTP request processing |
| 3: Start of the HTTP response processing |
| 4: End of the HTTP response processing. Since this |
| time is after the writing of the HTTP log entry, it |
| is not logged in the HTTP log. |
| The absolute value of the time 0 corresponds to the |
| value that the ABAP command "GET RUN TIME" returns. |
| The other values are logged as delta. |
| %M2 Recording of HTTP requests in microseconds, in the |
| format t0(timeofday):...;dt1(us):...;dt2(us):...; |
| dt3(us):...;dt4(us):-;total(us):... |
| Analogous to placeholder %M1. However, the absolute |
| value of timepoint 0 corresponds to the value that |
| operating system function gettimeofday returns. |
| %m1 as %M1, but with millisecond granularity |
| %m2 as %M2, but with millisecond granularity |
| %B1 Back end type; possible values: ABAP, JAVA, NET. |
| ABAP: Logging is active in the ICM and the request |
| is forwarded to the AS ABAP |
| JAVA: Logging is active in the ICM and the request |
| is forwarded to the AS Java |
| NET: Logging is active in the Web Dispatcher. The |
| request goes across the network to an ICM of the |
| SAP system. |
| %B2 The back end information is displayed; in the case |
| of ABAP, the WP number, and for Java the cluster ID. |
| Example: |
| ========= |
| With the format: %h %l %u %t "%r" %s %b %B1:%B2 |
| the following entries are written: |
| - - [08/Mar/2007:21:19:25 +0100] |
| "GET /sap/public/icf_info/icr_urlprefix HTTP/1.0" |
| 200 11376 ABAP:1 |
| - - [08/Mar/2007:21:20:03 +0100] |
| "GET /images/title.gif HTTP/1.1" 304 - JAVA:606993150|
| Meaning: |
| In the first case, the request went from the ICM to |
| AS ABAP and was processed by work process 1 there. |
| In the second case, the request went from the ICM |
| to the AS Java and was processed there by the server |
| process with the cluster ID 606993150. |
| |
| |
| Filters mean that an HTTP request is only logged if a particular |
| field (such as an HTTP header field) is contained in the request or |
| the response. If you specify multiple fields in a filter, the fields |
| are linked with "or". |
| The specification of a value is optional. If you do not specify a |
| value, only the existence of the field is checked. |
| You can escape the characters "=", "}", and "\" in the name or value |
| of the field by prefixing them with "\". |
| The filter attribute has the following syntax: |
| FILTER= {name}typ[={value}] [ ; {name}type[={value}] ] ... |
| A filter can contain the following fields: |
| {name}i[={value}] Filter for a request header field, |
| such as {X-Correlation-Id}i |
| {name}o[={value}] filter for a response header field, |
| {name}c[={value}] filter for a request cookie, |
| {name}C[={value}] filter for a response cookie, |
| {name}F[i][={value}] filter for a request form field |
| for example, {color}F={green} |
| for example, {color}Fi={green} |
| {name}E[i][={value}] filter for a request semicolon field |
| |
| The filter attribute can, for example, have the following value: |
| FILTER={color}F={green};{color}F={yellow};{size}F |
| In this case, the HTTP request is then logged if the request |
| contains a "color" form field, which has the value "green" or |
| "yellow", or if it contains a form field "size" with any value. |
| |
| The names of header fields and cookie fieds are not |
| case-sensitive. |
| The names of form fields and semicolon fields are case-sensitive, |
| except if an "i" is specified in the filter after the type. This |
| defines that the field name for this filter is not case-sensitive. |
| |
| The following predefined filters exist: |
| SAPSMD: with the format |
| {X-CorrelationId}i |
| |
| MAXSIZEKB: Maximum size of the log file in kilobytes. |
| If this size is exceeded, the current file is closed and a new |
| file (with a different name) is opened. |
| SWITCHTF: A new log file can be generated not only when a certain |
| certain size is reached, but also on the basis of time changes. |
| You can use the following values: hour, day, month. After this |
| time expires, a new log file is to be created. |
| FILEWRAP: FILEWRAP=on means that whenever a new file would be |
| started (due to the time or size limit being exceeded), the |
| existing log file is reset and overwritten. This means that there |
| is only ever one log file, which contains the current logging |
| data. |
| Application area: Internet Communication Manager |
| Unit : character string |
| Default value: |
| Who permitted to make changes: The customer |
| Limitations for operating systems: none |
| Limitations for database systems : None |
| Other Parameters Affected or Dependent: |
| This parameter applies if the ICM is in the server role. |
| If you want to record requests of the ICM as a client, use the |
| parameter %%icm/HTTP/logging_client_&lt;xx&gt;%% . |
| Valid input, formats, areas: See description |

| Short Description : Specify HTTP logging in ICM

| Applications Area : ICM

| Parameter Type : S

| Changes allowed : X

| Valid for Operating System : *

| Dynamic switchable :

| Same on all Servers :

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This documentation is copyright by SAP AG.

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