
01013 - FW: Remote Communications using Frame Relay

01013 - FW: Remote Communications using Frame Relay

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FW: Remote Communications using Frame Relay

Since I am not into ABAP (yet) I can't say for sure, but I believe most/all of
our output is SapScript. We do not user Jetform or any other product like that.
I have a hard time quantifing how much print volume we have but we don't have
any large print runs to speak of. We have an AS/400 here in Ca. that we use as a
printer spooler so no output goes directly to any printers. I would strongly
recommend this approach. We have a fax server that faxes all day long that is
heavy on some images. We have a large fax run in the evening but not many users
are online at that time.

If printing is a potential problem, you may wish to do some QOS (Quality of
Service) in your routers. We use all Cisco and are looking at QOS to prioritize
our packets over the WAN.

"Morris, Mark" <MMorrisZb...> on 02/16/2001 06:29:13 AM

To: Fred Wiest/IT/US_GPU/GrundfosZGrundfos
cc: "Anderson, Doreen" <DAndersoZb...>, "Romito, Dennis"

Subject: FW: Remote Communications using Frame Relay

Wow! That's great news for us.
We have a small number of remote users compared to you (60 users max at 5
European locations) so we're guessing the GUI overhead won't be a bottleneck.
If it is, we'll follow your footsteps and go to the classic GUI. Our biggest
concern now lies with the print output. Here in the US we use preprinted
forms, but we plan to use electronic forms for the European roll-out. If we use
Sapscript (to add lines) it appears our print volume may triple. As opposed to
using preprinted forms (not a desirable option because of multiple languages) or
using Optio or Jetform and having servers at each remote location (not desirable
because of complexity and cost).

What type of print volume are you doing remotely? Are you using Sapscript or
some other form of output formatting? Do you have large print runs during peak
periods while users are online? If so, what's end user GUI performance while
printing? Any other thoughts or suggestions regarding this?

Thanks much for taking time to respond to these questions. It's VERY helpful!

Mark Morris
Sr. Manager of Systems Development
Ball Horticultural Company

-----Original Message-----
From: Anderson, Doreen
Sent: Thursday, February 15, 2001 4:58 PM
To: Morris, Mark
Subject: FW: Remote Communications using Frame Relay

-----Original Message-----
From: Fred Wiest [mailto:fwiestZu...]
Sent: Thursday, February 15, 2001 4:17 PM
To: Anderson, Doreen
Subject: RE: Remote Communications using Frame Relay

Yes they are. And, I forgot to say in my last mail, most importantly we are
getting as good of response time as within Europe.

"Anderson, Doreen" <DAndersoZb...> on 02/15/2001 01:19:37 PM

To: Fred Wiest/IT/US_GPU/GrundfosZGrundfos

Subject: RE: Remote Communications using Frame Relay

Hi Fred,

Thank you so much for the response!
We were looking at 258KB with 128KB CIR too but needed some type of sanity

Are all 300/150 users connecting via that frame pipe?

Take Care

-----Original Message-----
From: Fred Wiest [mailto:fwiestZu...]
Sent: Thursday, February 15, 2001 12:18 PM
To: Anderson, Doreen; sap400Zm...
Subject: Re: Remote Communications using Frame Relay

We are running on a Frame from California to Copenhagen, Denmark. We are using
the AT&T Global Network (previously the IBM Global Network) which is switched
all the way through. We have a 512KB port in California with a 128 CIR. We run
other PVC's on this port, which is why the port is as large as it is. Normally
we would make the port speed double that of the CIR. I believe the Copenhagen
port is an E1 with a 128KB CIR and I am not sure what the port speed is but I
think it is 256KB.

We have 300 named users and something near 150 concurrent. We have only been
live since Jan. 1 so we have not quantified this. We are running MM, PP, SD, BW,
FICO, PM and probably more. We have about 80 printers configured and do a fair
amount of printing.

The average throughout the day is that only 50% of the CIR is utilized over a 15
minute interval. It peaks at about 80%.

We are running 4.6B and 4.6B GUI. We configure the GUI as lean as possible. We
turn on the "Low Speed Connection" on, and "Use New Visual Design" off. These
make a big difference. We are testing 4.6D GUI which our test show helps
performance, memory, and CPU utilization at the client.

By the way, this is not on an AS/400 but the communications should be the same.
Hope this helps.


"Anderson, Doreen" <DAndersoZb...> on 02/15/2001 08:55:14 AM

To: 'SAP AS/400 Discussion Group' <sap400Zm...>
cc: (bcc: Fred Wiest/IT/US_GPU/Grundfos)

Subject: Remote Communications using Frame Relay

If any shops are using Frame Relay to connect remote sites to your SAP systems
Can you provide a couple quick answers?

1. # of SAP users at remote site
2. SAP Modules remote users are running (eg SD, MM, PP)
3. Yes or NO; whether or not SAP business documents are being generated/printed
at remote site
4. Size of Frame Pipe which is supporting them

We are trying to size a Frame Pipe from Chicago to the United Kingdom with the
intention of supporting 20 users who will be pretty much a "mini business"
The users will be doing all aspects of runnning a distribution company except
for establishing material master records. SD, FI, PP

Thank you so much in advance!
Doreen Anderson
Operations / SAP Basis Manager
Ball Horticultural Company

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