
01537 - Time change and QUTCOFFSET setting

01537 - Time change and QUTCOFFSET setting

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Time change and QUTCOFFSET setting

I know that it is that time of the year for Daylight Savings Time this weekend,
but we've not had to change the QUTCOFFSET setting in the past.

Is there a preferred sequence of changing QTIME (actually, QHOUR) and
QUTCOFFSET, or doesn't it matter?

My logic is to SBMJOB a command to CHGSYSVAL QUTCOFFSET appropriately, then a
minute or so later, have another job to CHGSYSVAL QHOUR appropriately. My fear
of doing QTIME/QHOUR first is that I might "hop over" the time that the
QUTCOFFSET would run.

Anybody with any practical experience to share?

Thinking about it, it seems like the '400 should have a time setting for GMT,
then use QUTCOFFSET to calculate current "local" time. Then we'd only have to
change the QUTCOFFSET instead of changing both.


Jim Doll, Perrigo

Durban Tours - Südafrika Safari

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