
01925 - More remote CC questions

01925 - More remote CC questions

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More remote CC questions

Hi Rick,

I'm not certain if 4.6 has any functionality to rerun tables that had errors
on a copy. But if not, I would simply do an R3TRANS export/import of all
tables that failed. Using R3TRANS, you won't need to update the table via
SQL, rather, the import will change the client. Furthermore, once you have
a successful export, you can re-import several times in case there's an
error on the import. Lastly, all entries from clusters will have all fields
updated appropriately.

Basically, the export/import function will do what you are trying to do, but
with supported tools. If you need more information, view the TP section of
the online help (great section on R3TRANS, its parameters, and examples).

Mike D. Martin
SAP Basis Administrator
SOLA Optical, USA
707-763-9911 x6106

-----Original Message-----
From: Rick Githens [mailto:RGithensZg...]
Sent: Monday, April 30, 2001 7:12 AM
To: 'SAP400 ListServer'
Subject: More remote CC questions

My remote client copy is still running (8.5 days so far) and that's a good
thing I guess. However I have had two tables "time out" on the copy (KONV
and PPOIX). Fortunately the copy keeps going at the next table. PPOIX was
just doing PUTS and I'm pretty sure I can get those records safely in to the
new client using the copy file scenario that follows. However KONV is
actually KOCLU on the server (it's a cluster table) and at the point it
"bombed", it had run for almost two days. The journal receivers show about
200 PUTS, then 200 updates, a commit, etc. I used cpyf to copy all the
records for the "from" client to a new table, sql update to change the
client number (wher vardata *like '%KONV%'), and saved the new table to a
save file to send to the other server. Does anyone know if there is anything
in the rest of the record (those 3400 bytes of ASCII data on the right) that
is also getting modified or can I safely use my new table to do a copy file
*add on the "to" host? When I compare journal images, I really can't tell.
The PUTS are basically all the key fields and the updates are everything
else. Question 2: Same question about STXH and STXL. They are still running
(2.5 days) and also follow the PUT, UPDATE, COMMIT scenario. I can do the
copy file, change client, save, send to other host scenario in about fifteen
minutes per table. For obvious reasons, I don't want to cancel this
wonderful job now, but at it's current pace, it will take another 3 days to
do something I think I can do in about 30 minutes. (Hey Mike, the costs of
those controller cards to support disk compression are looking more and more
like a bargain!)

Rick Githens

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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