
01990 - Database table.

01990 - Database table.

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Database table.

Hi Teioh,

first I don't understand you first problem with SE14:
What is your problem there ? I understood you like this, that you dropped
the table and recreated it and then you had to use CPYF in order to get the
data. Why is this a problem?

The second question of you: Does this happen a lot of times that you get
problems with SE16? When did you delete the last time ALL SQL-packs? When
this was in the last time, please open an OSS call for this. I haven't had
this that it reoccured often. It may happen rarely, but then you could
delete the SQL-Packs.
As your PTFs date from around X-mas from the infoapar, please install the
complete infoapar first or do a release-change top V4R5 first. (V4R4 runs
out of maintanance by the end of this month.)



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