
02264 - Opticonnect vs. TCP/IP

02264 - Opticonnect vs. TCP/IP

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Opticonnect vs. TCP/IP

So you are saying that GB ethernet is better than opticonnect? That's good to


--- Ron Schmerbauch <rschmerbZu...> wrote:
> I agree with Volker. I'm sure the TCC did not consider the new gigabit
> ethernet, saw Doreen running TCP on a 400, and fired their old rule.
> Doreen, the question is: Does the TCC have any data showing whether the
> network connection between the db and app server is a bottleneck?
> Here are the options for running 3-tier :
> - the Opticonnect connection. For the SB1 and 7xx models this is the only
> choice, and requires special equipment and the Optimover PRPQ. No new
> customers should choose this option or be buying 7xx or SB1 technology.
> (Note that the PRPQ is withdrawn in V5R1, so one must buy the Opticonnect
> LPP.)
> - Gb Ethernet connection. Available only on 8xx and 2xx models (from V4R5
> on). The vast majority of customers who need 3 tier solutions will use this
> solution. It does not require any Opticonnect software.
> - V5R1 HSL connection. Although this is a VERY high speed connection
> that seems to offer some advantages, network traffic between the DB and APP
> servers is not usually a bottleneck and a dedicated Gigabit ethernet
> network between the db and app servers will keep up. Once you accept
> that gigabit ethernet will handle the load (and our testing so far shows
> that it does), it becomes a simple economic decision. Since HSL requires
> a card for every connection and only connections between two systems are
> supported, an HSL connection is needed for every application server.
> Gigabit cards and hubs are much cheaper than equivalent HSL HW.
> In future releases, coming HSL functionality may make it more attractive
> for some customers, but for now gigabit is the best alternative.
> Ron Schmerbauch 507-253-4880 rschmerbZu...
> iSeries 400 - ERP Development - Rochester, MN
> "Gueldenpfennig, Volker" <volker.gueldenpfennigZs...> on 06/07/2001
> 02:52:07 PM
> To: "'dandersoZb...'" <dandersoZb...>
> cc: "Sap400 (E-mail)" <sap400Zm...>, "Hackmann, Ralf"
> <ralf.hackmannZs...>
> Subject: RE: Opticonnect vs. TCP/IP
> Hello Doreen,
> thanks for the information.
> The recommodation of the TCC is absolutely rubbish in this area and is
> outdated. This info comes from the old connection without GB-ethernet where
> it was slow.
> I forwarded this e-mail as well to one of our TCC-collegues that
> administers
> the rules for these TCC reports. There was obviously something forgotten to
> update.
> Sorry for your inconvinience,
> Volker
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Anderson, Doreen [mailto:dandersoZb...]
> Sent: Donnerstag, 7. Juni 2001 19:13
> To: 'SAP AS/400 Discussion Group'
> Subject: Opticonnect vs. TCP/IP
> Just received our formal post upgrade 3.1H to 4.6C Early Watch Report & am
> not happy with a particular section on Opticonnect vs. TCP/IP
> Taken verbatim from the report.......
> 7.5 Opticonnect
> "Communication between the database server and the application servers are
> not established using OPTICONNECT, but using a TCP/IP connection. This
> causes severe performance problems. Recommendation: To ensure optimal
> throughput, use OPTICONNECT in a 3tier environment."
> When we implemented all our brand new 8xx hardware, Opti-connect was not
> ready to run native on the 8xx hardware with V4R5 of the Operating System,
> so we chose to go with 1gb ethernet solution as the communication method
> between our 2 SB3 app servers & the 840 DB server. Yes, I do understand
> that with V5R1 Opti-connect will run on the 8xx hardware "natively".
> Now, I've got SAP TCC Gods disputing our 1gb TCP/IP decision & "This causes
> severe performance problems". Our management team entrusts that the SAP
> TCC group would be the resources who would best know the optimal
> performance
> hardware environment. Now I'm having to explain IBM vs. SAP contradictory
> recommendations.
> Whiny & Aggravated
> Doreen
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> SAP on System
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