
02306 - 46D Kernel upgrade - success and follow-up questions

02306 - 46D Kernel upgrade - success and follow-up questions

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46D Kernel upgrade - success and follow-up questions

Dear Jim,

CPYLIB does wonders.

First rename the current kernel:
rnmobj <current-kernel> *lib <krn_old>
cpylib krn_1 krn_2
apyr3krn (twice, otherwise tp doesn't work !!!!!)

On Mon, 11 Jun 2001 11:48:21 -0400, Jim Doll wrote:

> 3) Lastly, I'm planning on applying the KERNEL to the TST system using
> note 14208: AS/400: Copying the R/3 Kernel. This method really
> streamlines the process. Any thoughts or comments on this approach?

Ir. H. Paul Hoogendoorn
SAP BC Certified technical consultant AS/400
Tel 033-455 99 51
Fax 033-455 99 54
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