
02518 - DDL-recovery as of V5R1 OS/400 with PRPQ possible

02518 - DDL-recovery as of V5R1 OS/400 with PRPQ possible

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DDL-recovery as of V5R1 OS/400 with PRPQ possible

Note that this PRPQ does not affect normal operations in any way.

The PRPQ is only relevant in disaster recovery situations, and only at V5R1
or after. It is recommended to get the PRPQ once you upgrade to V5R1.
Should you ever have a disaster where you need to restore journaled
changes, this PRPQ will help and you will be very happy to have it
available immediately, instead of having to go order it first. Prior to the
availability of this PRPQ, DDL statement recovery required significant
manual intervention and was the primary reason why A_off had been the
recommended upgrade method. With availability of the PRPQ, A_SWITCH and
A_ON are reasonable upgrade options.

Text from the announcement of the PRPQ follows.

Apply Journaled Changes Extended Improves Data Recovery


Apply Journaled Changes Extended provides an extended version of the
Apply Journaled Changes (APYJRNCHG) command. It provides the
capability to replay object-level changes (for example, CREATE FILE,
CHANGE FILE) based upon a restored library and journal entries
that were deposited during the original operation.


This product's key benefit is to improve recoverability of an
application running on the IBM e(logo)server iSeries. Prior to
Version 5 Release 1 (V5R1), many object-level operations were not
journaled. Now they are journaled, but the OS/400 command APYJRNCHG
is not capable of applying object-level journal entries. The command
supplied with this PRPQ, APYJRNCHGX, does apply the object-level

This PRPQ is especially applicable in environments where object-level
changes occur between database backups. If an application creates or
alters tables (or otherwise makes object-level changes) during
productive operations, then this PRPQ provides the ability to more
fully recover the database in the event of a disaster.

Ron Schmerbauch 507-253-4880 rschmerbZu...
iSeries 400 - ERP Development - Rochester, MN

"Gueldenpfennig, Volker" <volker.gueldenpfennigZs...> on 06/29/2001
11:04:39 AM

To: "Sap400 (E-mail)" <sap400Zm...>
Subject: DDL-recovery as of V5R1 OS/400 with PRPQ possible

Hi all,

the problems we had during upgrades that DDL-statements can't be recovered
are finally solved from IBM now!!!

So, as of V5R1 it is possible, to recover DDL-statements when the PRPQ
5799AJC is installed (when really necessary it can become installed after
the problems as well!!!)

Then the new Command QAJC/APYJRNCHGX is available to do a recovery of all
journal-entries including the DDL-statements. (please use ALWAYS the
lib-parameter for the files even when you use the option *ALL, then it will
work fine)

So this PRPQ should become installed on every V5R1 System. DDL-statements
are sometimes (or often) issued in transports and support-pack
installations. Very necessary is this feature in upgrades. Then it becomes
possible to run A_ON or A_SWITCH and not only A_OFF as recommended in the



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