
02555 - Background system stops working

02555 - Background system stops working

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Background system stops working

Your kernel patch is REALLY old (current is 620), maybe that is some of
your trouble?

Karremans WLA

<wkaZo...> To: "Discussiongroup SAP400
(E-mail)" <sap400Zm...>

07/02/01 Subject: Background system stops
02:07 PM

Hello everyone;

Last week we experienced the following problem:

The background system was not working. All jobs which were ready to run,
status: READY with a delay of thousands of seconds. They should become

With SM50 I saw that the 5 BGD work-processes were empty.

Since I didn't know what to do (newbie, collegue on vacation), I stopped
started the R/3 system. After the start, almost all jobs started running.

Does anyone have any idee what was going on?

We use:
SAP R/3 4.6C, system patch SAPKH46C13
Kernel 4.6D level 368
OS/400 V4R5M0 cum. pack 0294

Kind regards;

Wilbert Karremans
System Engineer at Oce Technologies B.V.

Durban Tours - Südafrika Safari

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