
04015 - RDDIMPDP

04015 - RDDIMPDP

Vendor Master (General Section)   CPI1466 during Backup  
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SAP E-Book


This has happened to me too.

One or all of the following could help you:
Manualy delete the TP jobs in the R3_nn subsystem, delete all files in
/usr/sap/trans/tmp and restart the import.
You could also stop sap and do the above action
I once even had to generate all current loads with SGEN to be able to continue
without RDDxxx errors.
(is eu_put & reorg running regularly?)

Hope this helps
Paul Hoogendoorn

On Fri, 23 Nov 2001 12:06:43 +0100, Ochse, Jay wrote:

>Hi All,
>I have transport problems. I have been releasing and importing hundreds of
>transports in the last couple of days - without problems. Suddenly this
>morning I import a transport and nothing much has happened! On the TMS
>Import monitor screen TP status is 'running' with return code of 0000 and tp
>message 'Start of action MAIN IMPORT'. In SLOG the message is Background job
>RDDIMPDP is not scheduled. Please run report RDDNEWPP.
>This job is scheduled (in every client) - but hasn't run since the last
>transport (yesterday afternoon).
>Our system is not busy - plenty of WPs available. There are no active jobs
>when I check SM37.
>OS: V5R1
>Any ideas?
>Jay Ochse
>JT International S.A.
>14 Chemin Rieu
>CH-1211 Geneva 17
>Tel.: +41 22 703 0522
>[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
>Your use of consolut is subject to

Ir. H. Paul Hoogendoorn
SAP BC Certified technical consultant AS/400
Tel 033-455 99 51
Fax 033-455 99 54
GSM 06-55 77 08 83
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