
04208 - URGENT: Trans. FILE pointing to remote AS/400?

04208 - URGENT: Trans. FILE pointing to remote AS/400?

BAL Application Log Documentation   ROGBILLS - Synchronize billing plans  
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URGENT: Trans. FILE pointing to remote AS/400?

DASD utilization is very high, and I'm concerned that an archiving run,
which should net a substantial amount of space, will also generate IFS files
that are liable to offset the gain in the database and push utilization into
a critical range. These are IDOCs, primarily, so they'll be written to the
IFS and then deleted and the files reorg'ed.

I want to redirect the archiving output across QFileSvr.400 to a remote box
with more ample DASD. In FILE, I pointed the output in


to write to...


A sample archive run nets this message:

BA025 Error opening file

As a check, I ran an ABAP directory utility on the source system that
reported a permission error when fetching from the target system (i.e. from
EIS21 trying to read the directory on EISB).

Are there permission issues writing from one AS/400 to another that anyone
is aware of?

I've done this before in an NT environment, and permissions were an issue,
as I recall.

Thanks for any information.

Durban Tours - Südafrika Safari

BAL_S_LOG - Application Log: Log header data   General Data in Customer Master  
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