
04572 - SAP on IXS

04572 - SAP on IXS

rdisp/max_wprun_time - Maximum work process run time   Addresses (Business Address Services)  
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Do I understand that DEV and QAS would be windows based and
production would be OS/400 based?
--- In SAP on System iZy..., "Ron Schmerbauch" <rschmerbZu...> wrote:
> Hi George,
> This configuration should be supported, and should work just fine.
> It is a Windows server like any other, it just happens to use some
disk of
> the 400. As long as your sizing says that the IXS CPU/Memory will
> support the workload you intend to run, there is no reason why you
> couldn't run it in production. Higher workloads may require the
> version of the IXS, which allows you to run multi-cpu servers.
> Regards, Ron
> Ron Schmerbauch 507-253-4880 rschmerbZu...
> iSeries 400 - ERP Development - Rochester, MN
> "Gueldenpfennig, Volker" <volker.gueldenpfennigZs...> on 01/15/2002
> 07:53:30 AM
> To: "'georgejyothiZy...'" <georgejyothiZy...>
> cc: "Sap400 (E-mail)" <sap400Zm...>
> Subject: RE: SAP on IXS
> Hi George,
> I don't know, if you want to run a Win2000 Appl-server against
DB2/400 or
> against DB2 UDB for Win 2000. But you should definetely ask IBM if
> hardware configuration is supported.
> It will work, but if it shouldn't be suportted, I at least wouldn't
like to
> run a PRD system in this configuration.
> Regards
> Volker

Durban Tours - Südafrika Safari

BAL_S_LOG - Application Log: Log header data   Addresses (Business Address Services)  
This documentation is copyright by SAP AG.

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