
04995 - QNTC

04995 - QNTC

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are you sure? You got it to work?
I created SAPnn and my BASIS guy gave me the password, thus in theory I have
I can not drill down in AL11, not even the ./400 itself.

----- Original Message -----
From: totalbirdde
Sent: Friday, February 08, 2002 3:51 AM
Subject: Re: QNTC

Hi Martin,

it'seems to be an Authorization problem.
On Windows NT and other's u must have define SAPNN Userprofile's.

Caution must be the same Password as in your AS/400 Userprofile.

Thomas Lindner
AS/400 SAP R/3 Basis Admin
EGG IT-Services

--- In SAP on System iZy..., "Martin Brieger" <Martin.BriegerZm...>
> Hi Folks,
> another question involving QNTC this time.
> I see the QNTC perfectly from my 5250 session, no problem with file
access etc. under user SAPnn.
> However, f I try to read directly in ABAP with '/qntc/[server]/
> I receive a "No such file or Directory".
> Has anyone of you a nice solution? I am confused cause I wrote a C
program a while back that wrote data into QNTC
> with no problem at all.
> Thanks
> Martin
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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