
06303 - What we don't do

06303 - What we don't do

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What we don't do

Hi All,

Just been to a BW conference for Basis people.

We where two with iSeries there.

We thought we where having problems sometimes and also that they where alike
other basis peoples - But let me tell you NO!!!

Their biggest problems are tabelspace and defragmentation of the disks - I
felt quit outside of scope.

When I the told them that on iSeries we like defragmentation due to single
level storage and data access speed they where stunned. That we also do a
reuse of deleted records - the answer was is this really possible.

Then some second problems arose, backup - save while active - They would all
like to get that feature.

Reorg of files was also a big problem - when for instace Oracle does a reorg
it at a point does a rename of the original file and then renames a reorged
copy to the original name after that it deletes the old one.

You should also be aware that a system copy like we can do it, is not
possible on any other platform - the others DB's are HW dependant and the DB
has to be defined to match the technical needs of the source DB.

I will definitely stay on iSeries, even my boss was shocked, and he is
neither for nor against any other platform, he looks at money and the
payments each month.


Klaus Lindegaard

PS: Newer found a list of the things we do not need to do that the others
have to - but I would very much like to, that would end many discussions of
alternative platform choice. And I think it would also promote iSeries as
the best.

-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: Gueldenpfennig, Volker [mailto:volker.gueldenpfennigZs...]
Sendt: 31. maj 2002 09:06
Til: ''
Cc: 'alessandro.fusariZs...'
Emne: RE: RE: Czech Republic

Hi Alessandro,

on iSeries, you have to go through 4.6C because of the Codepage Conversion.
On other platform, you could do this in one step. But 6.1 and 6.2 is just
the base release. The application is called "R/3 Enterprise" with the
internal version number 4.70.
So, if you will go to another platform, you could do a migration on 3.1I and
then an 1-step-upgrade to R3 Enterprise - as soon as it is available. (3.
quarter 2003)



-----Original Message-----
From: alessandro.fusariZs... [mailto:alessandro.fusariZs...]
Sent: Donnerstag, 30. Mai 2002 19:36
Subject: Rif: RE: Czech Republic

Hi Volker,

>theoretically you can install czech in an EBCDIC R3 system. But you have
>use the codepage 0410 then. As you are using italian as well, this is
>impossible. Latin-2 only supports eastern languages and german and

>So, the best way wouls be to upgrade to 4.6C and do a codepage conversion
>ASCII. There you can install czech as well.

Bad news 🙁 an other reason to start 46C migration project. My boss is
unhappy about it ... he doesn't love AS/400.

Into a SAP Italy sales meeting they speek about a new R/3 version ... 6.1
or 6.2. Do you know if is possible migrate directly from 31I to 6X ?

Alessandro Fusari
Vemer Siber Group

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