
06334 - DBIF_RSQL_SQL_ERROR on V5R1 whith SAP 46C

06334 - DBIF_RSQL_SQL_ERROR on V5R1 whith SAP 46C

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We have a similar problem. During heavy work on our 830 (v4r5, 4.6c, Kernel
1124) AS/400 we get a lot of dumps with DBIF_RSQL_Internal_Error and SAPDBMSM
errors. The problem seems to be connected to locked records in SAP. One table
NRIV (number Range Allocation table ) has a lot of SQL -913 errors due to locks.
When we look at SM50 it is full of reports that are stuck with record locks and
timeouts. One of the UPD work processes was locked on NRIV and all the UPD work
processes were in use and had gone to red due to the jobs being locked.

We did delete the SQL packages over the weekend as part of the kernel upgrade.
However we did get this problem a few weeks ago before the kernel upgrade and
the sql package deletion. The system was so jammed up we had to bounce it to get
back to work and clear all the locks.

We implemented #506089 to avoid locks due to spool file issues. We still get the
problem though. According to #141056 "no R/3 or AS/400 job causes an SQL0913
error". The disk usage is at 95% which does not help.

Matt Milne
Freelance SAP BASIS Consultant

please open an IBM call on this. If you deleted the SQL-packs, SAP can't do
anything worth here, I think.



after applying CUM207510 and the DB FIX pack #7 and everything else
included in apar# II12833 as of 04/30/02, we installed the kernel patch
1124. We also delete the sqlpackages before restarting the instance.
Now we have a lot of dumps like this:

SQL error "-901" occurred when accessing table "VIQMEL ".
SQL error "-901" occurred when accessing table "M_PREMC ".
SQL error "-901" occurred when accessing table "M_KREDI ".
SQL error "-901" occurred when accessing table "VQQMELST ".
SQL error "-901" occurred when accessing table "VF_DEBI ".

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Durban Tours - Südafrika Safari

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