
06382 - Conversion from EBCDIC to ASCII

06382 - Conversion from EBCDIC to ASCII

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Conversion from EBCDIC to ASCII

Hi Volker!

1. Do you also plan the conversion class in Walldorf in or after September?
A class in our "holidays understaff period" would be problematic to

2. Does the conversion process scale with cpu power, i.e. does it run in
parallel jobs exhausting all CPUs and utilizing the disk arms to their
Or is it more like an R/3 upgrade or patch where we usually wait for
one single job?

Kind regards

-----Original Message-----
From: Gueldenpfennig, Volker [mailto:volker.gueldenpfennigZs...]
Sent: 23 May 2002 13:37
To: ''
Cc: 'csinclaiZt...'
Subject: RE: Conversinon from EBCDIC to ASCII

We made tests with a database of about 850 GB. This was converted on a
830-4-way with about 30 disks and 6GB memory. We needed for the pure InPlace
latin-1 conversion about 26 hours. You woul dhva eto add some backup,
testing and so on.

Durban Tours - Südafrika Safari

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