
06576 - Pagers

06576 - Pagers

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Hi Gary,

Ok, Now its a matter of can I get this to work, not that I need it...

I get the following message:

Distribution to user identifier PHILLIP PUGH failed...
...(DIA) notification code X'0201'.
0201-System error.

my guess the problem is in the CHGSMTPA command? For MAILROUTER do
you mean I put our mail server? (ie. We are
running Exchange server. Or is the: something else.
Or any other suggestions of what needs configured.


Phillip Pugh
Webco Industries
P.S. V4R5

--- In SAP on System iZy..., "Bell,Gary" <gary.bellZs...> wrote:
> A little tip on this topic. If your pager has an email address you
> configure your AS400 to email your pager.
> MAILROUTER ( host table entry.
> Then add yourself in the directory WRKDIRE. F19 SMTP route (Your
pager email
> address)
> System name group must be TCPIP.
> Display Name for SMTP

> User ID/Address . . . . . : GARY BELL
> SMTP user ID . . . . . . :
> SMTP domain . . . . . . . :

> SMTP route . . . . . . . : gary.bellZs...
> Then with this command -------SNDDST TYPE(*MSG) TOUSRID((GARY BELL))
> I use this in a cl program called by an R3 batch job on Saturday
and Sunday
> after backups to tell me R3 is up.
> If R3 can run the job and I get paged then I can go about my day. I
> have it in my QSTRUP cl.
> Or have it email your home pc.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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