
06912 - Hi All - Installation Eroor

06912 - Hi All - Installation Eroor

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Hi All - Installation Eroor

Hi Klaus,

I did check the source code a bit. Are you sure, that you can access the
".sapconf" file with the qsecofr AND the sidofr ?
Did you have a look insite, if everything "looked fine" ?

I think, if this basic stuff doesn't work, just do a scratch-install.



-----Original Message-----
From: Klaus Lindegaard (RWDK) []
Sent: Montag, 29. Juli 2002 13:13
To: Gueldenpfennig, Volker
Subject: Hi All - Installation Eroor

Hi all,

During Installation of a 3.1I SR1 system I lost the console resulting in the
following error under crtr3sys. - anyone seen this error before ?

INFO 2002-07-29 12:42:27

Creating R/3 System Objects

WARNING 2002-07-29 12:42:36 CRTR3SYS_IND_DB4 SyCoprocessWait:100

Job 223619/QSECOFR/AS4CMDEXC exited with an unsuccesful code of

1.This indicates a failure, even though the job ended normally.

Use the command EDTF STMF(AS4CMDEXC.log) to display the log file

in the current working directory.

INFO 2002-07-29 12:42:37 CRTR3SYS_IND_DB4 ExecuteDo:0

RC code form SyCoprocessWait = 1 .

ERROR 2002-07-29 12:42:38 CRTR3SYS_IND_DB4 ExecuteCheck:0

Exit code from /QSYS.LIB/R331IOPT.LIB/CRTR3SYS.CMD: 1.

ERROR 2002-07-29 12:42:38 CRTR3SYS_IND_DB4 InternalInstallationDo:0

Phase failed.

ERROR 2002-07-29 12:42:39 CRTR3SYS_IND_DB4 InstallationDo:0

Phase failed.

ERROR 2002-07-29 12:42:42 InstController Action:0

Step CRTR3SYS_IND_DB4 could not be performed.

ERROR 2002-07-29 12:42:45 Main :0

Installation failed.

ERROR 2002-07-29 12:42:56 Main :0

Installation aborted.

If I try to execute crtr3sys manualy i get the following error:


Error with /usr/sap/trans/.sapconf file.

Unexpected error occured in BAS31ISRC/C/WRKR3OBJ in line 124.

Unexpected error occured in BAS31ISRC/C/WRKR3OBJ in line 124.



[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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