
07182 - Unicode requirements

07182 - Unicode requirements

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Unicode requirements

Hi Andrew,

I'm sorry, to tell you, that I don't know what is here going on as well. I sent
a mail to the globalization team and hope for response next week.

The following points can be clarified already now:
- 1100: This is the SAP ASCII latin-1 codepage; you are using EBCDIC latin-1
which is 0120. It should be shown in your table TCPDB; it has nothing to do with
the CCSID, as this is an IBM coding shema and 1100 is a SAP coding shema.
- note 540991 does not exist at all! I think, this is a typo, as this note
became deleted from a person in the Logistics area - and not from the NLS team.
- It is true, that R3 Enterprise will be definetely available in ASCII and
obviously become available in UNICODE as well. You can't "upgrade" to that. You
have to convert your codepage from R3 ASCII 4.7 to R3 UNICODE 4.7. As then the
Pool- and Cluster-tables becoime double-byte as well, I would gues
about 10% more DASD usage for Unicode than for the ASCII solution. You should
keep in mind, that the buffers and everything within SAP has to be doubled as
well. So, for true unicode, you need more memory as well.
- 1-step-upgrade: This is not true for iSeries, because you have to convert on
4.6C from EBCDIC to ASCII first. Then you can upgrade to 4.7 ASCII and then can
convert to 4.7 Unicode, if you like - this is not possible in the near future,
as the ASCII solution will be supported parallel to Unicode
- right now, the unicode kernel for iSeries (6.20) is only available in the
porting team, but not for customers yet. We do have unicode systems up and
running, but the development is not complete finished by now. I don't know on
what platforms unicode may be available already now.

I will let you know, when I know more.

Sorry for the confusion on your site,


-----Original Message-----
From: Andrew Tilbrook []
Sent: Freitag, 16. August 2002 09:13
Subject: Unicode requirements

Hi SAPlings,

We received the following notice from SAP Australia yesterday. While it does
not specifically mention iSeries or AS/400, the person who sent it is well
aware of our hardware platform.

Unicode News
Unicode-based SAP R/3 Enterprise & mySAP Business Intelligence (BW) (August
9, 2002)
SAP R/3 Enterprise has been released for Unicode-based installations (for
upgrade and new installations, with restrictions described in SAP Note
540991 . Customers do, however, have the option of installing non-Unicode or
Unicode-based systems. Mixed Unicode/non-Unicode scenarios are supported as
Unicode is being rolled out in parallel to the SAP R/3 Enterprise Unicode
Ramp-Up (more on Ramp-Up). SAP will provide special support for Ramp-Up
customers: they have a designated contact within the Global Solutions
Product Management team, and they receive guaranteed support from SAP
and from SAP's globalization specialists. mySAP Business Intelligence (BW)
3.0B (SP 07) has also been released for Unicode.

The take away from this statement is that R/3 Enterprise (4.7) does not have
to be Unicode. You just need to run your database on Code Page 1100 (which
is your current code page).
I can also confirm that a two-step upgrade from 4.5 to 4.7 in not required.
For all releases currently supported by SAP an upgrade kit will be available
- i.e. one-step upgrade only.

I am unsure if code page is the same thing as CCSID. Either way, I believe
we are on code page 500, not 1100 as stated in the message. I have also
searched OSS and can find no reference to note 540991. We are also on 4.5B,
and are like most other users, unhappy with the thought of all that
additional disk to move above 4.6C.

Has anybody seen this elsewhere? What are the implications on iSeries


Andrew Tilbrook
Computer Services Manager
Dairy Farmers
8 Parkview Drive
Homebush Bay NSW 2140

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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