
07610 - iSeries Software

07610 - iSeries Software

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iSeries Software


if you really like/need/wish I386 with Linux as appl server for iSeries ASCII,
you should ask this as a request in the ISICC in Walldorf. Otherwise, without
any customer demand, this won't happen.



-----Original Message-----
From: newtoolbox []
Sent: Freitag, 20. September 2002 08:41
Subject: Re: iSeries Software

Hi Volker,

> in general you only need tp purchase OS/400.


>The QADRT for the ASCII runtime is for free.

The first iSeries software that is free 🙂

>The only disadvantage, that may pop up, is that you'll miss STRPDM,
>STRSEU and STRSQL. But you could change small CL Sources with EDTF
>and can use SQLUTIL - which is both a bit ugly.

Yes, now I do not installed SQL, PDM and SEU because on our 830 are
expencive so I use edtf and sqlutil ... but that is fun for me
bacause in my life I have used iSeries on as SAP server 🙂

Thank you.

Have fun too.

PS: Have fun is similary "Have a lot of fun", that is the log-on
screan on a DE Linux distribution that is supported from SAP ... in
the next year I'd like Linux i386 as application server such as Win2K


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