
08473 - Table 'Z' is not created in database after HSC

08473 - Table 'Z' is not created in database after HSC

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Table 'Z' is not created in database after HSC

Hi Mauro,

as "HSC" is really no abbriviation of "homogenious systemcopy", you should try
to write what you are really doing. I had to think 2-3 minutes on this - and was
only successfulb ecause I saw your name and you were doing such stuff lately.

most likely you did the "HSC" wrong!
dspfd r3siddata/systables will show you the old SID instead of the new one.
Then you did the error during the RSTLIB.

You can correct this with note 66985.



-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Mittwoch, 27. November 2002 20:55
Subject: Table 'Z' is not created in database after HSC


I´m testing the system after HSC. I verified one poblem. Table 'Z'? is
not created (se11,se14). The tables exist in the database, but in the se11
or se14, they aren´t created. I tried to create in transaction se14, but I
can´t. It appear an error saying that the table already exists in the
database. I tried to reconstruct the table, but the same error appear.

How can I solve this problem?


Mauro Valle

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