
08800 - SAPConnect

08800 - SAPConnect

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I installed the SAP SXC exchange connector on the exchange server and set up rfc
connections in SAP and it works fine. What version of Exchange are you on.

Thank You,
Don Osinski
SAP Basis Administrator

-----Original Message-----
From: Sugg, Chris []
Sent: Wednesday, January 08, 2003 11:01 AM
To: ''
Subject: RE: SAPConnect

We are planning on using SAPConnect with our Exchange server to set up
emails from our SAP system.

Has anyone done this yet in production? If so, could you possibly send me
any details of the SAPConnect version, Exchange version & operating system?
Also, how long and if any issues happened when configuring the Exchange
server? And did you add another exchange server to your network or just use
your current email server.

Chris Sugg

consolut Sponsor

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