
08835 - SAP to Gentran triggering problems

08835 - SAP to Gentran triggering problems

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SAP to Gentran triggering problems


We have installed GENTRAN on a seperate server than our SAP instance
(two different locations) We are having problems with the triggering
of the subsystem short our outbound works, our inbound
works, our status files work...but our outbound trigger does not
work. I've tried everything. We also have the Sterling Extension
product for SAP. I have the port (WE21) setup so the outbound
trigger directory is /QSYS.LIB/G3X1PGM.LIB/ and the command file is
SAPOUT. However, I have been getting status 20 on the IDoc
(triggering EDI subsystem failed). The RFC destination is setup for
TCP/IP, the gateway is set and application server is selected, the
program in the RFC is rfcexec. I thought perhaps someone may have
some insight as to why this is not working. I suspect things
relating to SAP being on one system and GENTRAN another. <sigh>

Do you need to have the EDI program libraries included in the library
list of the instance owner? In our case it is PRD00.

Thanks and have a nice day,


Durban Tours - Südafrika Safari

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Length: 1488 Date: 20240602 Time: 220618     sap01-206 ( 2 ms )