
10243 - Errors in Z tables modifications

10243 - Errors in Z tables modifications

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Errors in Z tables modifications

Hi Friends!!!!

I have al little poltergeist with transport tables activation in Productive
System. We made a modification in Z table, Insert New Field for example, in
Develop system, with out problems, we transport to Test system with out
problems again, but when we transport it to Productive this error log

Error -913-Fila u objeto ZMMIDDLG en R3P01DATA tipo *FIL al ejecutar DDL
para .
Error in DDL statement for al ejecutar DDL para .
(dummy, do not translate)
No existe ninguna instrucción DDL para activar ZMMIDDLG.

But anybody is locking the talbe.

It happen with almost all tables (if table contains reccords). The table is
modified in Dictionary but not in DB, if in DB Utility I Activate and
adjust DB with option save data no errors appears but the check still
fails. But with Delete data table will be modified in DB.

We know that this error ocurs always and we allways copy the table before
transport to restore data after activation. It solve the problem, but what
could happen with Standard Tables, with appl Support Packages for

If you have experiences like this or you know how can i solve it..........
please help me!!!!!!

Thans a lot for all Friends!!!!!!

David López
System Admin
Caprabo S.A.

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