
10360 - Two different versions of R/3 instances in the same machine

10360 - Two different versions of R/3 instances in the same machine

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Two different versions of R/3 instances in the same machine

We have 2 45B, 1 46D, 1 620 running on a single LPAR. No problem so far.

Zhihong Zhao
SAP Certified Technical Consultant
Dairy Farmers IS Department

-----Original Message-----
From: cyberminded2002 []
Sent: Saturday, 31 May 2003 1:44 AM
Subject: Two different versions of R/3 instances in the same


Have any of you seen a SAP system where a two different versions of
R/3 are running in the same box ? As far as I know, there are some
common services which are unique for the operating system like
SAPOSCOL and the Database library. Since they are operating system
coding dependents, I don't see any problems so far. Even though, I'd
to hear from your experiences . . .
Ricardo Amarante
SAP Basis Technical Consultant

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