
10800 - SI09093 on 5.2

10800 - SI09093 on 5.2

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SI09093 on 5.2


Yes, I saw the update too,
but I miss the usual mail from jtd, i.e. John Dulek.

I have loaded the CDs requested since mid June
PLUS the group HIPER Level 66 which came along with the CUM
and today I saw that a lot of the PTFs in the II13337
are either superseded or contained in some CD already installed.

So I only had to order:
5722 SS1 SI09202
5722 SS1 SI09093
5722 SS1 SI09066
5722 SS1 SI09022
5722 SS1 SI09018
5722 SS1 SI08927
5722 SS1 SI07110

5722 999 MF30868
5722 999 MF30867
5722 999 MF30844
5722 999 MF30838
5722 999 MF30735

Nice short list, isn't it?

The PTFs which are superseded are:
5722 999 MF30494 --> MF30662
5722 999 MF30493 --> MF30661
5722 999 MF30300 --> MF30530
5722 999 MF30578 --> MF30658
5722 999 MF30495 --> MF30665
SI08788 --> SI08926
SI08650 --> SI08672
SI08647 --> SI08909
SI08646 --> SI08956
SI08644 --> SI08926
SI08531 --> SI08500
(where x --> y means x is superseded by y and y is installed in my system)

The PTFs that definitely came from CDs I installed:
SI08788 --> SI08926
SI08650 --> SI08672
SI08647 --> SI08909
SI08646 --> SI08956
SI08644 --> SI08926
SI08531 --> SI08500
Others were installed by my collegue one June 18+19;
I suppose that

John, what 's your comment?

Kind regards

BTW: Who is New Tool Box?

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: NewToolBox []
Gesendet: Montag, 21. Juli 2003 11:55

5.2 SAP APAR is update ... but if you check each PTF you can see that
is added a 5.1 PTF : SI09093

is it true ?

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Durban Tours - Südafrika Safari

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