
XAWS0001 - Customer exit for AWS report

XAWS0001 - Customer exit for AWS report

RFUMSV00 - Advance Return for Tax on Sales/Purchases   ABAP Short Reference  
This documentation is copyright by SAP AG.
SAP E-Book

Enhancement Description

1. This enhancement for customer to define 'termination event' and 'dismissal reason' based on there setting in table T529A and T530 respectively to reject employee eligible for AWS.

2. This enhancement/User-exit is provided to customer in order to over come limitation of table T5R2A (Part-month rounding).

Customer can provide 'factor' to calculate AWS amount in case hire-date > 'AWS-Begin date' or 'fire-date' < 'AWS-End date' for an employee

Example: Employee hire-date: '10.01.1997'

In this example AWS Begin-date is not on 1St of January, now customer can decide whether to treat part-month(January) as a full month/ percentage factor/Ignore it.

Referance: SAP Form 'round_part_month' in main report.

3. Also customer to decide total 'month' in case AWS account period Begin-date is other than 1st day of a month or End-date is other than last day of a month.

Example: AWS accont period from '14.01.1997' to '31.12.1997'

In this example AWS Begin-date is not on 1St of January, now customer can decide whether to treat part-month(January) as a full month/ percentage factor/Ignore it.

Referance: SAP Form 'round_part_month' in main report.

4. Customer can also define it's own formula to calculate AWS amount. Customer can use available parameters passed to function module and pass back the changes to SAP main program for batch input.

General Data in Customer Master   ABAP Short Reference  
This documentation is copyright by SAP AG.

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