
EHFND_PHRS - EHS: Phrase-enabled Field

consolut Authorization for SAP
Easy Authorization Management for SAP

EHFND_PHRS - EHS: Phrase-enabled Field

BAL_S_LOG - Application Log: Log header data   General Material Data  
This documentation is copyright by SAP AG.
SAP E-Book


You use this authorization object to control access to phrase-enabled fields in Product Compliance. Note that this authorization object is only considered in phrase-enabled fields without a relation to compliance requirements. Phrase-enabled fields used in a compliance requirement are controlled with authorization object EHS: Compliance Requirement.

Defined fields

The following table contains the fields for the authorization object and their possible values:

consolut Authorization for SAP
Easy Authorization Management for SAP

Fill RESBD Structure from EBP Component Structure   rdisp/max_wprun_time - Maximum work process run time  
This documentation is copyright by SAP AG.

Length: 1617 Date: 20240604 Time: 060932     sap01-206 ( 22 ms )
Field Possible Values Description
ACTVT - Activity
03 Display
23 Maintain
PHRSCNTXT see maintenance view EHFNDV_PHRS_CNTX Context of phrase-enabled field. Depends on the corresponding context of the phrase-enabled field.