
EHFND_SPL - EHS: Sample Management

consolut Authorization for SAP
Easy Authorization Management for SAP

EHFND_SPL - EHS: Sample Management

CL_GUI_FRONTEND_SERVICES - Frontend Services   General Material Data  
This documentation is copyright by SAP AG.
SAP E-Book


Specifies the authorization object that enables you to restrict the access to sampling, samples and sampling campaigns in Environment, Health, and Safety.

Defined fields

The following table contains the fields for the authorization object with the corresponding values:

Field ,,Possible Values ,,Description

ACTVT Activity ,,03 ,,Display

,,23 ,,Plan and or maintain Sampling Campaigns

,,16,,Process Samplings and Samples

EHSM_COMP ,, ,,Component

LOCAUTHGRP,, ,,Authorization Group (depends on authorization group Customizing)

LOCPLANT,, ,,Plant (depends on plant Customizing)

LOCCOST,, ,,Cost Center (depends on cost center Customizing)

LOCCOMP,, ,,Company Code (depends on company code Customizing)

LOCBUSAREA,, ,,Business Area (depends on business area Customizing)

The sampling function is used by several Environment, Health, and Safety components. The authorization for sampling and samples is based on the component. You can specify the activities permitted for each component. Since sampling (and sampling campaigns) can be defined per location, the location data (fields LOC*) is taken into account when determining the authorization for sampling. You can configure authorization for sampling by selecting the parameter by which you filter the access to locations.

If you want to enter data in the location fields, check the settings for the EHFND_LOC authorization object

consolut Authorization for SAP
Easy Authorization Management for SAP

ABAP Short Reference   TXBHW - Original Tax Base Amount in Local Currency  
This documentation is copyright by SAP AG.

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