
J_7L_INFO - REA: Information System

consolut Authorization for SAP
Easy Authorization Management for SAP

J_7L_INFO - REA: Information System

Fill RESBD Structure from EBP Component Structure   BAL_S_LOG - Application Log: Log header data  
This documentation is copyright by SAP AG.
SAP E-Book


REA information system

All objects that are used for reporting in the REA system are listed here.

Defined fields

The user field is to be filled with the recycling partner name (ENTNA). Currently, only the Activity field is checked in the corresponding objects. The Company Code, Country Key, and User Field fields are currently either only partly checked, or not checked at all.

consolut Authorization for SAP
Easy Authorization Management for SAP

ABAP Short Reference   General Material Data  
This documentation is copyright by SAP AG.

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