
K_CKBOB - CO-PC: Product Drilldown

consolut Authorization for SAP
Easy Authorization Management for SAP

K_CKBOB - CO-PC: Product Drilldown

BAL_S_LOG - Application Log: Log header data   PERFORM Short Reference  
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This authorization object protects the product drill-down report and therefore the interactive presentation and evaluation of data in the product cost accounting information system.

Defined fields

The authorization object contains the following fields:

  • activity

To be able to carry out the product drill-down, your user master record must have the authorization for the combination of plant and activity.

The Activity field is set by the system in accordance with the activity to be carried out. The protected activities are:

  • 16 - execute
  • A5 - display report


Your user master record contains the following authorizations in the profile:

Authoriz. Plant Activity
1 * A5
2 1000 16

Authorization 1

You have authorization in all plants to display a report that was created with product drill-down reporting.

Authorization 2

In plant 1000 you have authorization to carry out product drill-down reporting.

consolut Authorization for SAP
Easy Authorization Management for SAP

Vendor Master (General Section)   TXBHW - Original Tax Base Amount in Local Currency  
This documentation is copyright by SAP AG.

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