
S_ESH_CONN - Authoriz. Check on Connector level

consolut Authorization for SAP
Easy Authorization Management for SAP

S_ESH_CONN - Authoriz. Check on Connector level

ABAP Short Reference   General Material Data  
This documentation is copyright by SAP AG.
SAP E-Book


This authorization object is used in Enterprise Search to check the authority on the connector level in the searching process.

Defined fields

TEMPL_TYPE means search connector type such as: BOS, BI, FILES, SES, COMRUNTIME, KM.

SCONN_ID means search connector ID such as: BCE000~CRM_BUS2000116~, MATERIAL~QZACLNT100~.

TMPLATE_NAME means search connector template ID such as SAP_KM~STANDARD~KM_SEARCH~.

REQUEST means search connector request such as DEFAULT.

SYSTEM_ID means ID of the system such as FTP or QZA.

SYS_CLIENT means client of the system SYSTEM-ID.

The values of SCONN_ID are defined dynamically during the process of modeling in ESH.

The table ESH_ADM_STATUS contains the currently existing search connectors in the field ' SC_ID'. The connectors may have different statuses (new, preparing, prepared, scheduled for indexing, extracting,...).

consolut Authorization for SAP
Easy Authorization Management for SAP

PERFORM Short Reference   CL_GUI_FRONTEND_SERVICES - Frontend Services  
This documentation is copyright by SAP AG.

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