
Purchase order output (Forms) ( RELNBBP_20B_POR_TRIGGER )

Purchase order output (Forms) ( RELNBBP_20B_POR_TRIGGER )

ROGBILLS - Synchronize billing plans   RFUMSV00 - Advance Return for Tax on Sales/Purchases  
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Purchase order output (Forms)


From Release 2.0B, you can define your own Forms for purchase order output and in doing so, for example use your own logo. Tools -> Form Printing -> Smart Forms.

If you have created and activated a form, specify in Customizing for which output medium (Fax, printer or E-mail) the form is valid.

Note the following when defining forms:

  • Copy one of the forms delivered by SAP and change the copy. The SAP forms are called BBP_PO_PRN (printer), BBP_PO_FAX (fax), BBP_PO_MAIL (E-mail).
  • Do not change the form interface and the global definitions. You should only change the formatting of the contents, the positioning of the windows and the embedded graphics.

In case you also want to change the style of the form, this means the character and paragraph formatting, choose Tools -> Form Printing -> Smart Styles in the SAP Menu. SAP delivers the style BBP_PO.

Effects on System Administration

Effects on Customizing

See Define Trigger for Purchase Order Output

Further Information

ABAP Short Reference   CPI1466 during Backup  
This documentation is copyright by SAP AG.

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