
Extended Transport Control ( RELNBC_40C_CTS_ERWTRANSP )

Extended Transport Control ( RELNBC_40C_CTS_ERWTRANSP )

RFUMSV00 - Advance Return for Tax on Sales/Purchases   Vendor Master (General Section)  
This documentation is copyright by SAP AG.
SAP E-Book

Short text

Extended Transport Control


As of Release 4.5A you can use the functions of "Extended Transport Control".

For reasons of compatibility you must activate the Extended Transport Control centrally. Only then can you use the functions described here.

With Extended Transport Control you can

  • not just specify an SAP system as a transport target for consolidation and delivery routes, but also the required client.
    By doing this, you can configure the transport of client-specific content just as securely as the transport of cross-client objects.
  • set the standard transport layer, which, amongst other things, defines the transport target of Customizing requests, as client-specific.
  • define target groups that include several systems/clients under one name. By using a target group as a transport target of consolidation routes you can, for example, set up several parallel consolidation targets. This is a particular requirement in the ALE environment.

Extended Transport Control makes day-to-day work with transports easier and increases security. It reduces the need for communication between project leaders and system administration, since transport routes are now configured fully, and you do not need any additional knowledge about the target client.

For more information, see the SAP documentation on the Change and Transport System.

Damage caused to data by errors

Software/hardware requirements

Installation information

Effects on System Administration

Effects on Customizing

Effect on batch input

Changes to the Interface

Changes in procedure

Procedure for removing dataset errors

Dependent functions


Further notes

BAL_S_LOG - Application Log: Log header data   SUBST_MERGE_LIST - merge external lists to one complete list with #if... logic for R3up  
This documentation is copyright by SAP AG.

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