
Flexible update of master data (enhanced) ( RELNBW_30A_MASTERDATA )

Flexible update of master data (enhanced) ( RELNBW_30A_MASTERDATA )

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Flexible update of master data (enhanced)


As of release BW3.0A, it is possible to create update rules for InfoObjects (attributes or texts).

The flexible update of master data enables ODS Objects and other data targets to be filled with master data using update rules. These appear in the data target tree and can be updated here as with other data targets.

No distinction is made any more between master data- and transaction data- InfoSources when InfoSources are created. Instead, the system distinguishes between the direct update of master data in an InfoObject and the flexible update in any number of data targets (excluding hierarchies). By "flexible", we mean all transaction and master InfoSources that are updated using update rules. The InfoSources regarded as direct are those that were master data InfoSources in BW Release 2.0B.

Updating in ODS Objects or in master data tables makes sense for master data. It is also possible to update from ODS Objects in other InfoObjects. Therefore, when creating update rules, InfoObjects with attributes or texts can also be selected as data targets. This enables attributes such as key fields to be calculated by reading the master data, or through a Source-InfoObject, routine or constant. If at least one InfoObject attribute is time-dependent, the characteristics 0DATETO and 0DATEFROM are included in the key and can be filled as with all other characteristics.

Effects on Existing Data

Effects on Data Transfer

Effects on System Administration

Effects on Customizing

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