
Market Exploration Analytical Application (Enhanced) ( RELNBW_30B_BCT_MARKETEX )

Market Exploration Analytical Application (Enhanced) ( RELNBW_30B_BCT_MARKETEX )

Addresses (Business Address Services)   CPI1466 during Backup  
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SAP E-Book

Short text

Market Exploration Analytical Application (Enhanced)


New queries

As of Release SAP BW 30B, three new queries are available that work as data vendors for the Web template D&B GIS Company Master Tree Analyses. The Web template displays a D&B enterprise family on a map.

  • D&B GIS Company Master Tree Analyses - Circle (Gl.Duns) 0DB_MC01_Q0012_2
The query determines which estimated annual turnover is displayed on the map as a circle.
  • D&B GIS Company Master Tree Analyses - Triangle (Duns) 0DB_MC01_Q0012_3
The query determies which estimated annual turnover the subsidiary companies in the enterprise family have. The estimated annual turnover is displayed as a triangle.
  • D&B GIS Company Master Tree Analyses - Lines (Gl.Duns->Duns) 0DB_MC01_Q0012_4
The query is used for displaying lines that connect the individual subsidiaries with the world-wide, highest parent company.

Web templates and business packages

As of Release SAP BW 30B, market exploration is available in the form of Web templates as well as in the form of a business package.

You can use the WEb templates if you want market exploration to be directly available over the Intranet. You can then access market analysts by using the Web browser for the analyses.

You can use the business package if you install a mySAP Enterprise Portal and want to integrate market exploration into your portal. By using the iView Studio, you can download the Business Package for Market Exploration.

Effects on Existing Data

Effects on Data Transfer

Effects on System Administration

Effects on Customizing

Further Information

BAL_S_LOG - Application Log: Log header data   ABAP Short Reference  
This documentation is copyright by SAP AG.

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