
Geocoding of Business Partners ( RELNCABP_20C_GEOLOCATION )

Geocoding of Business Partners ( RELNCABP_20C_GEOLOCATION )

Addresses (Business Address Services)   PERFORM Short Reference  
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Short text

Geocoding of Business Partners


For every address that you create for a business partner, it is now possible to call up geo-coordinates, in other words degrees of longitude and latitude, as additional attributes to the address data and business partner data. This data is stored centrally, and is updated every time an address is changed.

The accuracy of the coordinates largely depends on the coding tool that has been installed. The delivery includes the SAP standard coding tool, which you can use to determine the coordinates at federal state or region level. You also have the option of using external tools.

Effects on Existing Data

Address data that already exists is not changed in any way, because the coordinates are integrated and stored as independent attributes by way of references to address data and business partner data.

Effects on Data Transfer

Effects on System Administration

Effects on Customizing

Maintain the settings for installed coding tools in the SAP Reference IMG: SAP Implementation Guide -> General Settings -> Setup Geocode -> Register Geo-Coding Program in the System.

Maintain the settings for country tables in the SAP Reference IMG: SAP Implementation Guide -> General Settings -> Setup Geocode -> Process Geographical Data for Countries.

Further Information

Further information on the use of geocodes can be found in the release note for BW 2.1C under the heading "Enhancements in BW Integration in Business Partner".

TXBHW - Original Tax Base Amount in Local Currency   rdisp/max_wprun_time - Maximum work process run time  
This documentation is copyright by SAP AG.

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