
Infotype "Transcripts" (1709) ( RELNCM_462A_PQ_IT1709 )

Infotype "Transcripts" (1709) ( RELNCM_462A_PQ_IT1709 )

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Short text

Infotype "Transcripts" (1709)


The infotype External Grades (1709) has been renamed Transcripts(1709) in this release.

The search function for subjects and qualifications has been improved. Qualifications now refer to the new object type external qualification (EQ). The academic level, discipline, category of the qualification, and the setting of the foundation course indicator are taken from the infotype External Subject Data (1760). It is not possible to enter this data directly.

Grade calculation has also been improved. The system now displays the actual internal grades and not the calculated values.

Effects on Existing Data

As of this release, you must maintain external qualifications in Campus Management (transaction PIQEQ) instead of in Qualification Management. Existing records of the infotype Transcripts (1709) must be updated.

Effects on Data Transfer

Effects on System Administration

Effects on Customizing

Further Information

RFUMSV00 - Advance Return for Tax on Sales/Purchases   General Material Data  
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