
Pricing Overview in Interactive Product Configuration (New) ( RELNCRM_50_IPC_PRIC_OVER )

Pricing Overview in Interactive Product Configuration (New) ( RELNCRM_50_IPC_PRIC_OVER )

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Short text

Pricing Overview in Interactive Product Configuration (New)


As of Release 5.0, the pricing overview feature has been provided. During interactive product configuration, the ability to show absolute or delta prices with the chosen features and options is critical for the customer to make a decision for or against a feature. For the same reason, it is important that pricing and configuration details are accurate and consistent across all sales channels, such as E-selling, Mobile Sales and across the business process from sales quotation to sales order.

A pricing overview exists to support this decision making process. This displays an overview of all prices incurred while configuring the product including base prices, individual option prices, option combination prices, other surcharges and prices, and the current total price. This supports the user in making decisions and facilitates an efficient deal closure.

Effects on Existing Data

Effects on Data Transfer

Effects on System Administration

Effects on Customizing

You need to make settings in Extended Configuration Management (XCM) for:

  • Activating this feature
  • Defining which lines of pricing procedure are displayed. The XCM parameters for this feature are defined as "customizationlist.prices.*" in the XCM system.

Further Information

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This documentation is copyright by SAP AG.

Length: 1615 Date: 20240603 Time: 051308     sap01-206 ( 64 ms )