
CRM_IPM_1: Rights Availability Analysis (RAA) (Enhanced) ( RELNCRM_701_IPM_RAA )

CRM_IPM_1: Rights Availability Analysis (RAA) (Enhanced) ( RELNCRM_701_IPM_RAA )

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CRM_IPM_1: Rights Availability Analysis (RAA) (Enhanced)


As of SAP enhancement package 1 for SAP CRM 7.0, business function Intellectual Property Management (CRM_IPM_1), you can use the following new features for the rights availability analysis (RAA):

  • Create contract by selecting item group type
You can create sales and acquisition contracts from the RAA by selecting the item group type. Previously, you could only specify the type of contract to be created. If you activate this business function, once you have selected the contract type, a new dialog box now appears on which you can select the item group type. The system creates the contract on the basis of this information.
  • Print RAA request
You can print an RAA request by using SAP Interactive Forms by Adobe to print a PDF document. SAP provides a form interface SFPI_CRM_IPM_RAA_REQUEST that you can use to create these print forms. SAP delivers the sample form IPM-RAA: Sample RAA Request Form for GREQ (General Request). You can use this without modification or you can customize it to meet your requirements.
You can also schedule printing of a request as a background job. You specify the name of the form, printer and number of copies to be printed. The system prints the request according to the time specified in the background job.
  • Sort rights assignment blocks in the rights availability details
The system now displays the rights scopes sorted according to the validity start in all assignment blocks on the Availability Details screen.
  • Save IP search data
When you save a request, the system now includes the data entered in the IP Selection step for a request. The system saves the most recent search criteria entered on the IP Selection screen and you can access this information again when you open a saved request.
  • Search and execute in background
The Search and Select function has been combined with the background execution function in the new Search and Execute in Background function. If you are using the new function, you no longer need to select Intellectual Properties (IPs) in advance in dialog processing. The system selects IPs in the background on the basis of the selection criteria you specified in the IP Selection step.
  • Copy an existing RAA request
You can copy an existing RAA request from the Request Maintenance view and the Rights Availability Request: Search Result List view using the Copy button. The system displays the request you have copied on the General Data screen.
  • Display sales contract data on Availability Details screen
On the Availability Details screen, assignment block Sold Rights, the system displays all sales contracts that are relevant to the available rights calculation. Previously, the system only showed the rights scopes from sales contracts that covered the same time period or rights as the requested rights. It now displays all scope items from all license sales contracts that consume rights from the rights owned (granting reference) or that feed the available (or missing) rights.
  • Usability improvements
When you save a request, if you have not already entered a request description, the system displays the General Data step and prompts you to enter a description. You can only save the request once you have done so.
The title of the Availability Details window changes to the description of the IP on which the focus is placed. The aggregated availability status and the product description are displayed in separate columns on all result screens for the RAA request where list display is available.
  • Selecting IPs on the basis of rights
You can now choose whether to observe the criteria defined in the Availability Criteria step when searching for IPs in the IP Selection step. If you want to observe these criteria using the automatic mode, use the Use Rights from Availability Criteria button. If you want to use the manual mode, use the Enter Rights Separately button. You can define a default mode for each availability scenario.
  • Ability to identify IPs using attachment folder link
The Intellectual Property Rights Availability Inquiry business object has been modified so that you can identify an IP using the AttachmentFolderLinkName attribute. IPs can be linked with Digital Assets (stored in a digital asset management (DAM) system). The ID for the digital asset can be used to identify the IP. The digital asset ID is represented by the AttachmentFolderLinkName.

Important - Redesign of RAA Availability Criteria User Interface

Due to changes in the user interface (UI) framework, the RAA availability criteria UI was redesigned.

Customers with CRM 7.0 or CRM 2007, who personalized the UI for step 2 (Availability Criteria) and step 4 (Availability) of the RAA wizard might experience a dump when they upgrade (dump message: "There is no controller 'RIGHTSGENERALVS' in BSP application 'IPM_RAAAVCR/avCriteriaOV'").

If this occurrs, the system administrator must delete all the UI personalization and the additional customer configurations made for the views in UI components IPM_RAAAVCR, IPM_RAAVCR_LTHP, IPM_RAAAVAIL, and IPM_RAAVAILLTHP. The UI personalization can be deleted by executing the report BSP_DLC_DELETE_PERSONALIZATION (using transaction SE38).

If the customers have enhanced the UI elements from the UI components mentioned above, they must redo their enhancement.

Effects on Data Transfer

Effects on System Administration

To use the RAA, a user needs authorization for object CRM_IPMRAA. The object contains the Scenario field in which you specify the RAA scenario for which the user has authorization and the Activity field in which you specify the actions that a user can perform for a request. If you copy a request, the system checks your authorization for the Create activity.

Effects on Customizing

To add new scenarios and define the default rights mode for these scenarios, choose Customizing for Intellectual Property Management under Rights Availibility Analysis -> CRM WebClient UI -> Define Rights Availability Scenarios.

You can also specify admissible print forms for each of these scenarios using this activity. SAP delivers the default sample print form IPM-RAA: Sample RAA Request Form for GREQ

The names of some of the RAA tree profile usages have been changed and some new usages have been added. The usages for RAA are as follows:

  • RTRESTRICTED - Restricted rights
  • RTRESTRICTED_ANSWITEMS - Restricted rights with answer items
  • RTGRP_EDIT - Profile for the rights group that can be edited
  • RTGRP_DISPLAY - Profile for the rights group that is read-only
  • RTDIM_EDIT - Profile for rights dimensions that can be edited
  • RTDIM_DISPLAY - Profile for rights dimensions that is read-only
  • RGHTDIM_EDIT - Rights dimensions that can be edited in the rights criteria
  • RGHTDIM_DISPLAY - Profile for rights dimensions that is read-only profile in the rights criteria
  • RTUNRELEASED - Unreleased rights
  • RTUNRELEASED_ANSWITEMS - Unreleased rights with answer items
  • RIGHTS_HOLDBACK - Rights with holdback
  • RIGHTS_RO_HOLDBACK - Profile usage for holdback - read only
  • RGHTGRP_HOLDBACK - Rights with holdback in the rights group view
  • RGHTGRP_RO_HOLDBACK - Profile usage for holdback - read only
  • HB_EDIT_GROUP - Holdback edit group profile for RAA
  • AVAIL_NOTOWNED_MISSING - Available, not owned and missing rights
  • ANSWERITEM - Another answer item
  • ACQUIRED_SOLD_RIGHTS - Acquired and sold rights
  • ACQUIRED_SOLD_HB_RIGHTS - Acquired and sold rights for holdback

For more information about the function of usages in the tree profile see Customizing for Intellectual Property Management under Rights and Royalties Dimensions -> Assign Generic Tree Profile to Rights Maintenance Usage

Further Information

Short text


Effects on Existing Data

Effects on Data Transfer

Effects on System Administration

Effects on Customizing

Further Information

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