
Search Criteria in Invoice Entry (enhanced) ( RELNEBP_40_SUCHKRITERIEN )

Search Criteria in Invoice Entry (enhanced) ( RELNEBP_40_SUCHKRITERIEN )

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Short text

Search Criteria in Invoice Entry (enhanced)


In invoice entry now, all users can use vendor and company code as additional search criteria when performing an extended search for purchase orders. The vendor and the company code are also displayed in the search results; they can be shown using screen variants that are set up in Customizing.

Note that, in the case of backend purchase orders for purchasers and purchasing assistants, only the number of the vendor is transferred from the backend system and shown along with the company code; The vendor name is not shown. For other users, the company code and the vendor number are only transferred and displayed if the users have filled in these fields in the search criteria.

These restrictions do not apply in the case of local purchase orders. The vendor (number and name) and company code can be displayed at all times.

Effects on Existing Data

Effects on Data Transfer

Effects on System Administration

Effects on Customizing

If you wish to have the vendor and company code displayed in the search results, you make the appropriate setting in the IMG. To do this, use the step Personalize Display.

Further Information

ROGBILLS - Synchronize billing plans   Fill RESBD Structure from EBP Component Structure  
This documentation is copyright by SAP AG.

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