


BAL Application Log Documentation   BAL_S_LOG - Application Log: Log header data  
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Calculation of Pension Age for the New PF (Changed)


As of 01/01/2001, the statutory pension age (AHV pension age) for women changes from 62 to 63. As of 01/01/2005, it is raised to 64. The BVG pension age, however, remains 62. The pension-fund-specific withdrawal age, which matches the AHV pension age, can differ from the rule that sets up the BVG pension age. This step-by-step increase and the diversion from the BVG rule require a change in the calculation procedures for the pension age. In the following, the required settings in the tables are explained in detail.

Effects on existing data

As of 01/01/2001, the data for calculating the pension / withdrawal date is determined using Determining the Pension Age table (T5CR0). The talbe entries for the statutory pension age are maintained in Customizing for Pension Funds-IMG under Pension Fund -> Check BVG Pension Age (V_T5CR0, subapplication PKBV). You define the pension- fund-specific withdrawal age in Customizing for Pension Fund-IMG under Pension Fund -> Funds -> Maintain Withdrawal Age for Pension Fund (View V_5CR0_R, subapplication is customer-specific).

The statutory entries for the BVG and two model entries for the pension-fund-specific withdrawal age (PKS0, PKS3) are delivered from SAP. If you pension-fund-specific withdrawal age does not differ from the BVG pension age, you do not need to make any changes in table T5CR0.

If you have pension-fund-specific withdrawal rules that differ from those of the BVG pension age, you must perform the following steps in the customer-specific processing schedule:

  1. In Customizing for Pension Fund-IMGunder -> Funds -> Maintain Withdrawal Age for the Pension Fund -> Maintain Withdrawal Age for Subapplication (view V_T596A), define a subapplication in the customer name space.
    Afterwards, maintain the pension-fund-specific withdrawal age in the step Maintain Withdrawal Age for Pension Fund (view V_5CR0_R) in the same IMG activity.
  2. Use the transaction PAC0 to adjust the processing schedule: Use the function Tools → Complex Search to search for all processing schedules used in the BA operation.
    In the Birth date parameter, enter the value type that contains the insured person's birth date.
  3. Display all occurrances of the B7 operation. For the Birth date parameter, enter the value type that contains the insured person's birth date.
  4. Enter the new value type DT90 in your processing schedule. Under this value type, enter the method type Calculate 01. Calculate the value type in the first processing line with the operation B7. For the first parameter enter the value type that contain the gender. Enter the birth date as the second parameter.
  5. Enter the value type DT95 in your processing schedule. Then enter the method type Calculate 01 and calculate the value type in the first processing line using the operation P5. The first parameter of this operation is the subapplication that determines the pension-fund-specific pension age from the table T5CR0. Enter the constant as a subapplication. The second parameter is the value type that contains the gender of the insured person; the third parameter contains the birth date.
  6. Adjust the calculation of the value type that contains the withdrawal date (in model schedule DT04). Change the calculation of the value type so that it is calculated using the operation V0. Enter either value types DZ90 or DT95 as parameters for the operation or calculate the withdrawal age dynamically by using the parameter _P01. If you use the parameter _P01, you must enter with each call for the method Calcuate DT04 (or the value you are using) the parameter DT90 or DT95 - depending on the withdrawal date you desire.
  7. Adjust the calcualtion of the value type DAB2 or the value used in the customer name space. This wage type is calculated using the operation BA. Enter the value type that contains the birth date of the insured person as the second parameter.
  8. Adjust the method type read 00 of the value type DA20 or of the value type used in the customer name space. Replace the operation P2 with P6. Enter the subapplication for determining the withdrawal age as the first parameter. Enter the value types for gender and birth date of the insured as the second and third parameters.
  9. You find examples of all the changes in the model schedule.

Further notes

For more information, see the following notes:

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This documentation is copyright by SAP AG.

Length: 6899 Date: 20240603 Time: 043325     sap01-206 ( 127 ms )
NoteNo. Title
351195 HR-CH-PF: Year-End Changes 2000/2001 for new PF
338423 Announcement of Year-End Changes 2000/2001
338458 Year-End Changes 2000/2001 (Content)