
Checking of Credit and Debit Memos ( RELNISMAM_402_SP_CREDDEB )

Checking of Credit and Debit Memos ( RELNISMAM_402_SP_CREDDEB )

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Checking of Credit and Debit Memos


As of Release 4.02, complaint processing has been simplified in Advertising Management using the following functions:

  • Check credit and debit memos
  • Create items with reference to schedule lines
  • Create items with reference to billing datasets
  • Partial billing cancellation

You use the Check credit and debit memos function to check the values of the associated credit and debit memos in the system. This check ensures that an amount that exceeds the value of the associated order is not credited to a customer by mistake. Once pricing has been performed again for the document item, the system performs this function automatically.

During this check, document flow does not determine all cancelled billing datasets that precede or follow the current item and have an item category that was created in Customizing using the order or credit memo request sales document category. Entries in document flow are generated using the Create with reference function.

The following totals are created during the check of the credit and debit memos:

  • The total from the net values that is created from all billing datasets that reference each other
  • The total of the net values of the items that reference each other.
  • Finally, the total from the net values from all billing datasets involved.

The user responsible always receives notification if one of these totals is negative.

User A creates an advertisement order with item 1 for which billing datasets 1.1 and 1.2 are generated. Each billing dataset has a value of $1000. The first advertisement is published on the wrong date. The customer makes a complaint for this date. User B creates correction item 2 with reference to billing dataset 1.1. Billing dataset 2.1 is generated for this correction item. User B negotiates a credit memo of $500 with the customer. The second advertisement is also published on the wrong date. The customer makes a second complaint and draws attention to the fact that the first advertisement was also published on the wrong date. User C creates correction item 3 with reference to billing dataset 1.1. Billing dataset 3.1 is created for this correction item. User C negotiates a credit memo of $800 with the customer. During the check, the system compares the net values for the billing dataset as follows:

  • Firstly, the total from the net values of the billing datasets that directly reference each other is created. This involves calculating the total from the net value of billing dataset 1.1 and billing datatset 2.1, followed by the total from the net value of billing dataset 1.1 and billing dataset 3.1. The system determines the totals $500 and $200. These totals are not negative.
  • The total from the net values of all billing datasets involved is then created. This involves creating the total from the net values of billing datasets 1.1, 2.1 and 3.1. The system determines the total -$300. This total is negative. User C is notified accordingly by the system.

All billing datasets of the order sales document type must have a positive leading sign and all billing datasets of the credit memo request must have a negative leading sign if you want to perform this function.

Effects on Customizing

If you want to activate the automatic check, you should set the "Check values of credit and debit memos in Customizing under: SAP Media - Industry-Specific Components -> Advertising Management -> Sales -> Order -> Settings for Specific Sales Areas -> General Settings.

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